Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
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When will you build the playground?
When will you build the playground?
There will be a ceremonial groundbreaking on the 4th of July from 4-6 pm at Anna City Park. Work will begin in the middle of July. Equipment will be delivered September 15th.
Where in the Anna City Park will the playground be located?
Where in the Anna City Park will the playground be located?
Hadley's Haven will be located across the street from the existing playground.
How can I help?
How can I help?
Sponsor a piece of equipment
Make a donation
Have a fundraiser
Know someone looking for a good non-profit to donate to, tell them about us.
Spread the word about how this could benefit our community
Sign up for the Kroger Community Rewards Program
How much is this going to cost?
How much is this going to cost?
Our budget is $950,000. This will cover all costs including:
Purchase of new equipment
Surface Cover
Additional retaining wall/sidewalks